Land of Angels

Pieces from the Kiernan Collection

An introduction to the art of Ethiopia The second oldest civilization in Africa, it is the only one to have developed its own art since its conversion to Christianity in the 3rd century.

The surprise of finding these black Madonnas, manuscripts, a school of painting that descends from Byzantium and shows Renaissance influences, and the tradition of centuries of ritual metallurgy is parallel to that of encountering its own calendar, an independent Church and a ritual language that predates Latin.

The result is a unique art that functions as a window into a cultural phenomenon of appropriation and affirmation.

The pieces on display at MAPI, from the Kiernan Collection, are a representative sample of the main trends and styles of Ethiopian art, and come from the four regions of the Horn of Africa highlands, between Axum and Addis Ababa, which form the center of Ethiopian culture.