The voice of the voiceless.Mbya Guarani Community

Exhibition developed based on the Voice of the Voiceless Program.

The voice of the voiceless.
Mbyá Guaraní Community.

The Argentine Embassy in Uruguay and the MAPI – Museum of Pre-Columbian and Indigenous Art presented the exhibition “The voice of the voiceless. Mbya Guarani Community”, which opened on Saturday, November 10.

This exhibition was developed based on the photographic, musical and documentary production carried out within the framework of the Voice of the Voiceless Program, which seeks to promote and preserve the expressions of music, “rituals” and dance that make up the cultural heritage of Latin America, giving voice to their artistic-musical identity.

Within the framework of the exhibition, on Monday, November 12, a seminar on the Mbya Guaraní cosmovision was held, with the participation of Sebastián Arias, coordinator of the Voice of the Voiceless Program; José Javier Rodas, Vice-Director of the Fortín Mboreré Bilingual and Intercultural School of Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina; Guillermo Sequera, researcher, Paraguay; Ignacio Báez of the Language Center of the University of Buenos Aires; Carmen Curbelo, director of PROPIM-UdelaR and member of the MAPI Administrative Commission, and Raquel Georgiadis, member of the Intangible Heritage Area of the National Cultural Heritage Commission, which is currently carrying out the Program for Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Guarani Nation Communities of CRESPIAL (Regional Center for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Latin America).

This project was sponsored by UNESCO through the Culture Sector – MERCOSUR Cluster, the Presidency of the Argentine Nation, the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, the Secretariat of Culture of the Republic of Paraguay, and was managed by the Fundación Música Esperanza.