Ambassador of Argentina visits MAPI

Argentina's new ambassador meets with MAPI director to promote joint projects

The new Ambassador of Argentina, Martín García Moritán, paid an official visit to the Museum of Pre-Columbian and Indigenous Art (MAPI), accompanied by his wife, Minister Claudia Corti, and the Cultural Attaché, Minister Melina Strakalaitis.

The museum’s director, Facundo de Almeida, welcomed them and offered them a warm reception.

During the visit, a meeting was held to review the common work agenda that the Embassy of Argentina and the Museum have maintained in recent times.

Various topics of mutual interest were discussed, including cultural projects, artistic collaborations and cultural dissemination activities.

The occasion was also used to plan joint actions for the coming months, with the aim of further strengthening ties between Argentina and Uruguay in the cultural field.

Possible initiatives to promote cultural exchange between the two countries and contribute to the enrichment of the cultural offerings in the region were explored.

It is hoped that this visit will mark the beginning of a fruitful collaboration between the Embassy of Argentina and the Museum of Pre-Columbian and Indigenous Art, and that it will lead to new cultural initiatives and projects that will benefit both communities.