Scandal! Analyzing 14 controversial works that moved the art board

A course that examines 14 works of Western art that have raised controversy and censorship throughout history.

The art world has been the scene of numerous scandals throughout history, where masterpieces have generated both admiration and controversy. Since ancient times, art has been the object of rejection and even censorship, as evidenced by the destruction of monuments contrary to the dominant power and iconoclastic episodes in the history of art.

However, it is with the Catholic Church’s censorship of Michelangelo’s Last Judgment that what could be called the modern era of artistic scandals began.

A fascinating course taught by Riccardo Boglione that examines 14 works of Western art that have raised controversy and censorship throughout history, addressing current issues such as sex, gender, religion, violence and politics.

This course is divided into two parts, each focusing on different thematic aspects, offering an in-depth analysis of the historical context and the art forms involved. Connections will be explored with other works by the same artists or from different periods that face similar issues. The program will include images of the works analyzed, ranging from artists such as Caravaggio, Goya, Gustave Courbert, Claude Cahun, Marta Minujín to Maurizio Cattelan, among others. Active participation of the attendees will be encouraged through comments and questions.

There will be 7 meetings per module. The meetings will be held through the Zoom platform, on Tuesdays at 6 p.m., with a duration of one and a half hours each, including a 10-minute break. Participants will receive a web access link before the start of the course to join the virtual classroom, without having to download the program.

Course details: First module: May 14 to June 25. Second module: August 6 to September 17.

To register for the course, please send an email to

Cost: Each module: $3000 (independent). Both modules: $5000 (paid together). Certificates of attendance will be awarded at the end of each module.

Immerse yourself in this journey through the history of art and discover how some works have challenged the established norms and moved the chessboard of Western art.