Food Room

MAPI, in partnership with INAC – Instituto Nacional de Carnes (National Meat Institute), inaugurated the permanent “Food” Room, the first step in the museum’s Permanent Exhibition Renovation Plan.
This exhibition presents interactive contents related to the past, present and future of food practices in America and particularly in Uruguay.
It is made up of four thematic spaces.
In the first one, “Behaviors”, cultural practices associated with food are represented, such as the obtaining of resources, their transformation, and the presentation and consumption in our indigenous America.
It also includes the space “The group tells us” where Mbya Guarani individuals living in Uruguay tell us about their way of eating.
“Researching” invites us to enter the world of science and the construction of scientific knowledge based on an example of zooarchaeological research.
And “Uruguay” is a section designed to reflect on food in the territory from the early settlement until today.
The Permanent Food Room was produced by an interdisciplinary team with the participation of members of MAPI, INAC and the Visual Design Degree of the School of Architecture of the UDELAR, and has three levels of museographic script: one for the general public; another that allows to deepen the knowledge exhibited by accessing the scientific documents that support the research exhibited there; and a script specially designed for children that includes some of the topics present in the ANEP Educational Program for kindergarten, primary and secondary school levels.
This room is accompanied by different educational activities, from guided visits to the workshop “From hunting to the supermarket”, which refers to past ways of life through food, its production, function and manipulation, addressing concepts such as domestication of animals and plants, horticultural groups, the origin of pottery and livestock production.